The Old Gods are nameless and uncountable spirits of nature, and their worship centers around sacred heart trees, weirwood trees which have had faces carved into their bark by the Children of the Forest. The two races subsequently coexisted peacefully for millennia, and during this time the First Men converted to the religion of the Children, worshiping the Old Gods of the Forest. The First Men began to forge numerous kingdoms across the continent. Eventually, the First Men and the Children forged the Pact, signed on the Isle of Faces at the center of the vast lake known as Gods Eye. The Children, using magic, destroyed the land-bridge (forming the modern peninsula of Dorne and the shattered islands known as the Stepstones beyond) but were pushed back over the course of many years of warfare. They were resisted by the Children of the Forest, a magical, diminutive race who ruled Westeros along with the giants.

The First Men invaded Westeros some twelve thousand years before the events of the series, crossing via a land-bridge that connected Essos to the vicinity of modern-day Dorne.

The First Men battle with the Children of the Forest. History Arrival in Westeros, the Pact, and the Age of Heroes